Manchester Metropolitan University Undergraduate Students Study Tour
Aligned with the school’s efforts to promote cross-cultural learning, a weeklong study tour was organized for ten undergraduate students from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. The tour is a part of the School’s Doing Business in the Middle East program, which hosts students from abroad to provide them with a comprehensive overview of the Middle East region from a corporate and academic perspective.
The five-day tour took place from November 5-9, 2023 and included a wide range of academic sessions, visits and activities that fully epitomize the Egyptian culture and business world.
Given the students’ different backgrounds of study, the tour was tailored to cover different disciplines, as the customized program provided informative sessions that focused on business areas, such as inclusive development and sustainability, entrepreneurship and family business, finance and marketing, in addition to logistics and supply chain management. The sessions were provided by the School faculty and corporate executives.
Some of the most enlightening activities included plant visits to the Egyptian German Automotive (EGA) company and the Juhayna Dairy Plant, which involved sessions on the best business practices by Ahmed Abdelwahab, managing director at EGA and Passant Fouad, director of external communications at Juhayna Food Industries, respectively.
To complement the insightful sessions and plant visits, the students got a taste of Egypt’s culture and history, as the program incorporated engaging networking events and cultural tours to the Giza Pyramids, Old Cairo, National Museum for Egyptian Civilization and a Nile cruise.