Youssef Nabih Department of Accounting
Youssef Nabih Department of Accounting is the youngest of the School’s departments and aim to provide a world-class accounting education to serve the needs of the business community and the accounting profession. The department's aims to be recognized as an innovative leader in accounting education and research, which reflect the best practices accepted internationally and with particular relevance to the Middle East and North Africa region.

Mohamed Shafik Gabr Department of Economics
Mohamed Shafik Gabr Department of Economics at AUC School of Business is the first economics department founded in Egypt. Since its establishment in 1947, the department has managed through its solid curriculum and reputable faculty to produce highly qualified graduates who have then assumed key positions in local-private and governmental- as well as international institutions.

Heikal Department of Management
Heikal Department of Management was established in 1972 and aims to develop business leaders who are dedicated to the betterment of society by providing high-quality business education to top-caliber students from all segments of Egyptian society as well as from other countries. The department aims to provide high-quality contemporary-style business education that blends a global perspective with national cultures, and is relevant to the business needs of Egypt and the region.