AUC School of Business Yet Again Earns EQUIS 3-Year Re-accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
After undergoing a rigorous evaluation by the EFMD Peer Review team, the AUC School of Business has been granted the prestigious EQUIS re-accreditation for an additional three years.
The AUC School of Business is pleased to announce that the EFMD accreditation board has disclosed that the school has been re-accredited for an additional three years, following an extensive and rigorous evaluation by the EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System) Peer Review Team.
The re-accreditation further cements the school's status as a triple-crown accredited school, as well as endorses its ranking as the best business school in Africa and its positioning among the top 1% of business schools in the world. The School was the first in the Middle East and third in Africa, to achieve triple-crown accreditation from EQUIS, the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
EQUIS is the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement, and accreditation of higher education institutions in management and business administration. The EQUIS accreditation is awarded through EFMD-The Management Development Network. Based in Brussels, Belgium, EFMD is a global organization of business schools and corporations and awards EQUIS for overall quality, a balance between high academic quality and the professional relevance provided by close interaction with the corporate world, and a high degree of internationalization.
During each accreditation cycle, the accreditation procedures include closely assessing a “Selected Program” intensively as a sample to check on the effectiveness of the overall program portfolio, in addition to the general overall assessment for the portfolio of programs. For the last accreditation cycle, the School’s selected program was the Bachelor of Accounting, which received commending feedback highlighting the quality of its students, its international relevance, and its collaborative connections with the market, contributing tremendously to the overall favorable outcome and recommendation for the School.
On the announcement, Dean Sherif Kamel remarked: "Today's world is dynamic, constantly changing, and regularly being disrupted; something we are all experiencing first-hand nowadays. Accordingly, being agile, adaptable, and innovative is invaluable for the AUC School of Business and is essential for delivering the best student-centered learning experience. We constantly tell our students that life is a quest for continuous improvement and that learning is a lifelong journey. Similarly, as administrators, faculty, and staff, we take continuous improvement as our motto and the school culture. Accordingly, we, as the School of Business community, are thrilled to receive the EQUIS reaccreditation which is a testament to the collective efforts of the different constituents of the school both on and off-campus. It is worth noting that over the past 70 years, the school has been committed to delivering quality education that is responsive to the changing world dynamics and being recognized and reaccredited for our efforts by the European Foundation for Management Development is an authentic endorsement and a steppingstone towards our further advancement."
The AUC School of Business was first granted the EQUIS accreditation in 2014 and received its first reaccreditation in March 2017. Not only is the accreditation one of the most comprehensive ways to attest to the quality of a business school and its programs at all degree levels it’s also an evaluation that examines how the School has progressed over its most recent period of accreditation.
The accreditation gives credit to the continuous hard work of the School's faculty, students, and staff who have been able to maintain an impeccable standard and achieve re-accreditation through working relentlessly and passionately with the different stakeholders to create a culture of change and continuous improvement, which we will always work on embedding within the School’s structure and operations.