Business Egypt
Business Egypt, a USAID project
Business Egypt, a USAID project is a five-year program implemented by DAI, Global, LLC (DAI). The goal of the program is to expand the quality and quantity of job opportunities, especially for women and youth, and to increase sales revenues and investment in the local market. Business Egypt supports the establishment, growth, and competitiveness of productive and innovative startups and promising micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by creating a vibrant and high-functioning ecosystem of competitive, innovative enabling institutions that accelerate economic development in Egypt.
Business Egypt’s activities are implemented in value chains with high potential for growth, primarily ICT, Renewable Energy, and Logistics.
AUC-CEI will provide technical services to assist DAI in carrying out activities in support of USAID’s assistance objectives in Egypt under the Business Egypt project. AUC-CEI’s role on DAI’s Business Egypt team will be to provide technical assistance through a combination of long-term project staff and short-term technical advisors, existing MSMEs Assisted to Adapt, Innovate, and Grow.